
美里, 砂拉越, Malaysia


Sales Tactics Explained

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines “tactics” as ”the art or skill of employing available means to accomplish an end”. That being said, what are sales tactics? Employing available means to make a sale sounds like a good definition to me. So to employ sales tactics let’s start with what available means you have, most importantly your winning personality and eagerness to make your product fit your prospect. Do we necessarily have to have all the gadgets and fancy accoutrement’s to make a sale? The short answer is no. It all goes back to the fact that people do business with people and you must first sell yourself. So let’s refine our tactics to our personal presentation and how we handle prospects.

The first tactic is always be positive. People are like animals in a way, they can sense uneasiness and fear, throw that out before you start your day. Second guessing yourself is waste of time that could be better used in front of an interested buyer. Make sure that grin you’re trying to maintain isn’t a quarter inch deep, it has to originate from the center and move outward. No one likes doing business with a negative person, it taints the deal and future relations ships.

The second tactic that comes to mind for me if follow up. After you’ve given that rock star sales pitch don’t forget to call back and ask for the business if you didn’t close right away. Most savvy customers don’t make impulse buys. If you aren’t following up then the key reason why your widget is better than any other may never surface. Follow up and make sure you ask the client if they have any additional informational needs.

Thirdly, send out thank you notes even if it’s as simple as an email. Most people appreciate thoughtfulness and are moved by it. Don’t kid yourself, someone helped you make every sales you’ve ever sold. Making prospects into fans is one certain way of earning business. Always show some appreciation for opportunities you didn’t have.

These are only a few sales tactics but don’t forget to look at the tools that are always available. Your laptop or smart phone can help you be more efficient but ultimately it can only multiply the force you’re willing to exert towards your sales goals.

