
美里, 砂拉越, Malaysia






很多时候,就是这样,对方的条件成了结婚的终点, 而往往不是思想上的依恋,心灵深处的归宿……


也许永远实在太远,也许人生真得无法十全十美…… 结婚是因为很爱很爱一个人,呵呵,我从来都没听过…… 是因为生活让人变得实际,还是这个世界已经没有真爱。


可是谁又能真正从心底抹去曾经日夜相伴的拥有呢? 走过了就会有印记,记忆不会轻易消失。 所以,不要轻易去拥有,拥有了就不要轻易地放弃!

正在热恋或者将要结婚的人一定要想清楚:恋爱是一阵子,婚姻,却是一辈子的事情。 婚姻是很神圣的,千万不要随便找个女人做老婆。

对于那些已经成家的人来说,更要懂得珍惜现在身边的拥有, 还要懂得感谢过去爱你的人和你爱的人! 因为曾经的爱恋让你变得成熟稳重,让你的人生变得丰富,这些都是你一辈子的精神财富!











每个人,都有一段悲伤,想隐藏,却在生长。 这一刻,才发现心的疲惫。其实,生活就是这样,而执迷不悟的我们依旧。




我很想让自己失去记忆重新开始;那该多好?可是失去记忆的人很多却没有我 ; 有些人痛恨自己忘记过去;我却希望自己失去;这就是每个人的不同之处;

























Sales Call Planning: What to Know Before Every Sales Call

A good part of business development success is, as some say, just showing up. But show up prepared and success is what you will get.

We acknowledge that sometimes you do just show up (or—hallelujah—a prospect calls you out of the blue) and you haven't done any preparation for the sales call. It's reasonable to suggest that on occasion sales calls are appropriately deemed 'exploratory discussions'; the kind of discussion in which we just talk and 'see where it goes'.

Take this approach in every business development situation, however, and you'll lose your share of sales that you should have won. Interestingly, whether you have a two thousand or a two million dollar price point, to increase your odds of winning new clients you still need to do the same basic planning and know the same essential information before your sales calls.

Here are six sales call planning questions you can answer for yourself before every sales call that will help prepare you for business development success:
1. What is the prospect's current situation?Ask this question to give yourself the lay of the land. Often your goals for the client, the value your services can offer the client, and your action planning for the rest of the sales call come out of your detailed knowledge of the prospect's situation.

If you find that you don't know enough about the situation yet, ask yourself what research you can do before meeting with the client so you can 1) move quickly through tactical situational discovery that can become tedious or bore a client, and 2) demonstrate to them that you are the type of professional that does his homework and goes the extra mile to make sure the client gets the most value out of each contact with you.

2. What are my business development goals for this client or prospective client? Different goals for your clients will make for very different sales conversations. Questions you can ask yourself will include:
  • Is this the 'discovery' meeting where we get to know each other and build rapport while learning how I might be able to help them?
  • Is this a current client to whom I am introducing a new set of services?
  • Am I reviewing the results from the previous year with a client and this is the meeting where I 'resell' my value so the client stays loyal?
  • Am I looking to cross sell or upsell currently available services because I see where these services can add value?
  • Am I trying to supplant a competitor?
  • Is this a current client where I work in one of their divisions and I would like to get introductions into the other three divisions where I can also help?
  • Is this a prospect with so much potential that I willing travel on my nickel to 5 cities to visit their branch outlets, their competitors, and put together a presentation and value proposition so compelling they are wowed like they've never been wowed and resolve to work with me on the spot?

I am sure you can add to this list depending upon your own situation. Whatever your business development goals for this prospect or client are, make certain you are as clear as you can be about those goals before you enter the actual meeting.
3. What is my desired next outcome?Sounds simple enough, but this question is so often overlooked by professionals before they meet with clients or prospects. Our advice: if you don't know what you want to get out of your meeting with them, don't get out of the (proverbial) car (credit to Mack Hannan and his book If You Don't Have a Plan, Stay in the Car).

Just make sure you start your sales call planning process early enough. Sometimes you need time to investigate just what your desired next outcome should be.
4. What are my relative strengths?In every sales situation various forces are working in your favor. Know what these forces are for this particular client or prospect situation so you can leverage them to help make the client more successful. This will give you increased odds of winning the client.

The more specific you can be for the particular situation, the better. Sure, it might be a general advantage that you are a well known expert in your field with a good reputation, but it's a better advantage to know who you are selling against (if anyone), whether or not you and the potential client went to the same graduate school, whether you've been particularly successful in this industry vs. your competitor, or any other specifics that might be working in your favor.
5. What are my relative vulnerabilities?This is the corollary to number four above. Maybe you have less experience than the competition. Maybe another company is the incumbent service provider and you are the challenger. Knowing what your relative vulnerabilities are will allow you to prepare in advance to either turn them into advantages or at least diminish them as vulnerabilities.

For example, maybe the other company has more experience in the industry, their reputation is quite good, and they've been doing this forever. You can say, "Yes, they do have a lot of experience in the industry as this is their only focus. Because our focus is broader, we bring knowledge from outside the industry that has really been valuable to our other clients. Did you know that in the ABC industry they designed their divisions like this last year and got a 7% cost savings on average when they tried it? The data source? It's from the objective research of the ABC Industry Association. Maybe it will apply to your company. We can look into it together, if you like."

With good preparation and call planning you can have your responses to 'objections' and tough questions at the ready when you need them.
6. What actions do I need to take before the next call?We all have to-do lists that help us get done what we need to get done. By taking the time to answer questions 1 through 5, your business development and sales call planning to do list will be as good as it possibly can be because your actions will be:
  • Informed by the knowledge of your client's situation
  • Guided by your goals for the client from a business development perspective
  • Built to help you achieve your desired outcomes
  • Planned with the knowledge of your relative strengths and vulnerabilities in this particular business development situation

Maybe for Woody Allen 80% of success in life is just showing up. But the most successful business developers we've seen over the years show up...prepared.

How a well- executed Sales Action Plan reels in customers...and money!

It doesn't matter how knowledgeable or skilled you are about your product or service - without a strong and well-implemented sales strategy, your product or service is going to go down along with your business. Whether you're looking to attract investors or lenders for a new business, or want to expand an existing business, you need to be extremely sales-focused. Your sales action plan will show the extent of your seriousness about selling.

Let's get some things straight about sales first.

Sales is a highly misunderstood business concept, and one that is not given its fair share of importance. For example, almost every university around the globe offers business programs and business courses. Students can take a course in financial or managerial accounting, management, marketing, research or statistics. But if I asked you to find me a university course on how to sell - you would be hard-pressed.

Yet, of all the topics listed above, sales is the only one your business can not survive without. It's no wonder farmers who buy franchises in the United States have better success rates than do MBA's. A well-thought-out and well-implemented sales action plan is pivotal to the success of any business.

Marketing ... Sales - what's the difference?

Many people confuse marketing and sales as being the same thing. They aren't.

Marketing is about interacting with potential buyers through advertising, promotion, packaging, distribution, location, pricing. Marketing is about opening up to your target market. Market research is a critical component to building a successful marketing plan.

Sales is about interaction with actual buyers. It's about presenting to people who need the kind of solutions your product or service offers, and getting the order. In other words, Sales is about closing the deal.

The Five Pillars to a Powerful Sales Action Plan.

An effective sales action plan demonstrates your focus on selling your product or service. After all, since sales is most likely going to be the main source of your business' revenue, you really can't afford not to be sales-oriented. Here are the main points to cover in your plan:

1. Prove that your product or service can sell.

It's one thing to say there's a market for your product or service. It's another to have potential buyers lined up and willing to pay for it. Getting a commitment from potential customers to buy from you before you startup sends a strong message that you're serious about doing business, and that your efforts convert into sales. Nothing else can be more assuring to a potential investor or lender than a list of committed buyers.

Identify who your potential buyers are, contact them and line up some orders before presenting your sales action plan.

2. Be customer-focused.

As I said earlier, the term sales is so often coined negatively, it's sometimes hard to see it as a good thing to promote. But sales is all about doing the "little things" that make a big difference with customers. Sales is about answering questions, easing concerns, showing benefits, and going the extra mile to satisfy your customers. Show your audience how your business will adopt a culture that nurtures customer satisfaction, which in turn generates sales.

Many entrepreneurs would be happy to have nothing to do with selling their product or service. In truth, your product or service won't sell on its own. But what will you do when a major buyer wants to deal with the owner? Be sure that the sales culture you set begins with you.

3. Build for long-term relationships.

Your sales strategy should be based on the right kind of values. As the old saying goes, treat others as you would want them to treat you. Create an environment which treats customers with dignity and fairness. Do anything and everything - except be dishonest - to get the sale. Demonstrate in your sales action plan that you are committed to long-term customer relationships.

4. Pay sales people for performance.

Here I am not merely talking about reaching monthly targets. Build careers for your sales team members, and compensate them for long-term performance. By doing so, you also ensure your salespeople build customer relations with honesty and integrity. On the other hand, not doing so encourages them to focus on short-term thinking, which often leads to using dishonest means of getting the sale.

Be careful to compensate sales people not for making the sale, but for collecting on the sale. Also provide a monthly or annual base to minimize the potential for short-term thinking.

5. Keep track of your customers.

The most successful organizations keep track of their customers using sales management and tracking programs. These ensure that your sales pipeline is accessible and that your sales team is prompted to follow-up with customers. They allow you to see the stage of every sales cycle for each client, and maintain a history and data file for each client.

Make sure you show how you will manage your customer interactions in your sales action plan.





The sequence of steps

The sequence of steps

Building the machine involves the following steps:
  1. Identify your buyers
  2. Diagram their buying processes
  3. Add to this diagram the steps you will take to address their buying process
  4. Diagram the Actions you will take to move prospects through the process
  5. Examine the linkages between Actions to make sure the next steps are obvious
  6. Define the qualification criteria
  7. Examine the customer motivations for each Action
  8. Define the organizational resources responsible for each step
  9. Define the technology/software that you will use to automate the process

1.  Identify your buyers

Start with an intense study of the Customer

If you are like most of the people that I talk to, you already have a sales process, and can show a diagram of the different steps. However most of the time when I work with people to diagnose what is not working as well as they hoped, the problems arise because they have not found a good way to motivate their customer to move forward through a particular step. This happens because they have designed their sales process from their point of view, and not created a customer-centric process. A good way to make sure you are building a sales process that will work for your customers, is to diagram out their buying process. This will help make sure you have appropriate steps in your sales process to address the issues and questions they need answered before they will purchase from you.

I recommend starting by identifying the different job functions that are involved in purchasing your product or service. Often your champion may be a business buyer that is interested in your product for how it can improve a particular business function. But they may have to get approval from the IT department before they can make a purchase. And if the size of the purchase is large enough, you may find that you have to deal with the CFO who only cares about the return on investment.

Also if you work through channels, such as VARs or System Integrators, you will want to develop a completely separate sales and marketing process for how you will locate and qualify them, sign them up, and make the productive.

2.  Diagram: customer’s buying processes

Once you have each player identified, I recommend diagramming the buying process for each individual. Only when you are armed with this information, can you properly design your own sales and marketing process.

The flow chart below was produced using an excellent flow charting program called Smart Draw that I highly recommend for this purpose. I found Samrt Draw after a lot of research and trials of various other products, and it was by far the easiest and fastest. All other tools that I worked with got in the way of thinking through the process, and required me to pencil out the process before trying to use them to document it.

Note that while the above diagram only looks at the main player in the sales cycle, the tech champion, it is important to repeat this step for all other players that are involved in the sales cycle. For example if there is also a business buyer who is the actual decision maker, understanding how they think is going to be important. Or if your sales process involves using resellers or systems integrators, you will want to do a similar diagram for the VAR/SI, thinking about the owner, the reseller sales person who will sell your product, and the technical resource who will demonstrate and install your product.

3.  Diagram: add the steps to address the buying process

This next stage involves adding the steps that you can take to address the concerns and needs of the prospect that you identified in the prior stage diagram. Those steps are shown here in the beige color.

Since the Free Trial has become such an important part of the sales process for many products, I have included a separate sub-process diagram for this here:


4.  Diagram Actions to move prospects through the funnel

This step involves creating a diagram showing how you plan to move prospects through your sales process, and is the company-centric view. (The diagrams above are all customer-centric.)  Having done the work above, this step should be fairly simple.
The concept behind this part of the process is that we are breaking down a complex sales cycle into a smaller set of Actions that should result in movement of the prospect through the sales cycle. Later on when we instrument the machine, we will want to track how many people went through a particular Action, and how many of them were we able to successfully move to the next step (conversion rate).

5.    Examine Linkages between Actions

The next step is check that there are clearly defined linkages between every action on the diagram, and the following step.  One of the most common problems I see is marketing activities that have no clear call-to-action; or no clear step to process the leads after the action is completed.
For example, a company will visit a trade show and collect leads. However when they return, no one has thought of how they need to be processed, and as a result they will sit there for many days without being called or emailed.
Another common problem is marketing activities that have no connection to this process. For example, they may sponsor some event, hoping to build brand. But that activity does not result in leads. In my view, not startup can afford to do any kind of marketing activities that doesn’t directly contribute to the process of moving a prospect through to a closed deal.

6.    Defining Qualification criteria

Another common problem is no integration between sales and marketing. Sales complains that marketing doesn’t provide them with enough leads, and marketing complains because they gave sales a ton of leads, and sales won’t call them. This happens because there wasn’t a discussion between sales and marketing where they mutually agreed on a clear definition of what represents a Qualified Lead that is acceptable to sales. Getting the lead to that level of qualification (often referred to as a Marketing Qualified Lead or MQL) is the responsibility of the marketing department.
To help with qualification, a set of questions are defined. In many cases these are the standard BANT questions (Budget, Authority, Need and Timing). It may also be valuable to ask additional questions that are important to your particular company to make sure they are in your target market. For example: are they a mid-sized company; are they B2B or B2C; are they in a particular vertical; etc. A lead can become an MQL when certain number of these are answered positively.

7.    Examine the customer motivations for each Action

This step represents one of the most important and powerful aspects of this methodology. If you started off by looking carefully at your customer’s buying process, you are already beginning to think the right way. But this step takes things further. To this well, you will need to get inside your customers head, and learn to think the way they do.
For each Action that you want your customer to do in your sales process, ask the following questions:
  1. What concerns are they likely to have that will make them not want to take this action?
  2. What motivations might they have that will make them want to take this action?
The most common reason that a sales process isn’t working well is because your customer is not adequately motivated to do a particular thing that you want them to do. For example, your customers may not be going through with your Free Trial because they have to register on your web site beforehand. Or your customers may not be completing your free trial, because it requires them to open a port in their firewall (or similar).
To fix this problem, you will need to get inside your customers head and understand their concerns and motivations, and brainstorm a way to provide additional incentive to motivate them to complete the step. For example, offer them something meaningful if they complete your registration. Or find a way to eliminate the need to open the firewall port, and allow them to do the trial in the cloud on your own systems.
There is a lot more discussion on this important topic under the section entitled that comes later.
However, I have found that the most important part in the art of designing a successful sales process lies in this step.

8.   Define the organizational resources responsible for each step

This step is simple: for each action you have in your sales process, make sure that there is a clear organizational resource that is focused on that step, and make sure they are measured and incented based on the number of leads they process, and their conversion rates.

9.   Define the underlying technology and software

Since we want our sales process to be scalable, we need to automate the way that information flows from one step to the other. This requires software or software provided as a service (SaaS). CRM software is a well understood category with Salesforce.com as the dominant vendor that we see in startups. However the are of software for marketing automation is an emerging and rapidly changing area. As of today, there is no one vendor that provides all the tools you are likely to want to use, so you will need to combine several products/services.
Interesting areas for marketing products are Inbound Marketing; Social Network monitoring and management; Lead Nurturing and Scoring; eMail marketing; and Web analytics. (This list is not meant to be complete, as this area is evolving fast, and interesting new ideas keep emerging.)


High Income Selling Strategies-5 Rules To Govern Your Behavior And Actions In The Sales Cycle–For High Performers

Everyone wants to earn more, but few are willing to change their behavior to do so. In fact, my experience tells me that most aren’t.
Yet, in my 19 years of work with the high sales achiever, I find that those people are different and worth examining. Most of them operate with a different set of rules about selling and the pursuit of new business. These new rules help govern their behavior and actions in the sales cycle. I have over 25 rules that I’ve documented, but here are the top five for you to consider:

1. Define what you want to attract.
High sales achievers are very specific about what they want to attract, both in terms of financial outcomes and business relationships. The Universe has an interesting way of delivering to you exactly what you order, so be specific on your order when you place it. The Universe doesn’t respond well to, “I just want to make more money.”

2. Bring up what scares you.
Most sales executive fears are an illusion. The worst thing we can do with fear is to ignore it. That feeling of fear is trying to tell you something and what it’s telling you is, act on it. If you’re in a sales process and you feel some fear about bringing up a difficult subject, then that’s exactly what you should discuss. Reveal what you feel.

3. Never coerce.

It’s been my privilege to work with some extremely high achievers in the profession of business-to-business sales. One thing I find about them is that they are ‘detached from outcomes.’ They spend no time “convincing, persuading, and defending.” And they spend little time trying to coerce prospects into their way of thinking. When you, a marketing and sales professional, begin to encroach on your prospect’s freedom, you become the pain and they’ll get rid of you. Tell people upfront “it’s alright if you decide this is not a fit at this time, let me know and I’ll be gone.” But do that upfront. That way you’re not 18 months into the process when you hear ‘no.’

4. Think “Process.”
The greatest businesses in the world have the greatest processes in the world. So why should a sales professional be any different? Of all the processes that the high sales achiever has, the most important one is the sales process. A great sales process is one where you can, in a step-by-step fashion, lead people from beginning to end with the constant understanding that some people will qualify “out of the process” and you can move on. Not only should you have a process, but you should also be indignant about the prospect’s adherence to it. (Here’s one of my favorite secrets: Great sales processes are better for the prospect because it helps them identify their problem quicker and create a better solution.) If you feel your sales process is only in your best interest, then you’ve got the wrong process.

5. Think ‘Leverage.’
One way to leverage your strengths is to hire other people and train them to do the things you don’t want to do. But as sales professionals–even as high achieving sellers — you might not have the latitude to go hire staff. But what you can leverage is “current relationships.” High achievers never make cold calls. Why would they? They have learned the power of referral marketing. They find a way to use their current client/network relationships to bring them new, ideal clients.

This is not as simple as “give me ten people you know, so that I can go make a sales call to them.” It is a thoughtful, strategic way to generate enough goodwill with your clients that they beg you to get them introduce you to their friends and associates. A great referral program doesn’t work if you’re not thinking “leverage.”

Sales Tactics Explained

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines “tactics” as ”the art or skill of employing available means to accomplish an end”. That being said, what are sales tactics? Employing available means to make a sale sounds like a good definition to me. So to employ sales tactics let’s start with what available means you have, most importantly your winning personality and eagerness to make your product fit your prospect. Do we necessarily have to have all the gadgets and fancy accoutrement’s to make a sale? The short answer is no. It all goes back to the fact that people do business with people and you must first sell yourself. So let’s refine our tactics to our personal presentation and how we handle prospects.

The first tactic is always be positive. People are like animals in a way, they can sense uneasiness and fear, throw that out before you start your day. Second guessing yourself is waste of time that could be better used in front of an interested buyer. Make sure that grin you’re trying to maintain isn’t a quarter inch deep, it has to originate from the center and move outward. No one likes doing business with a negative person, it taints the deal and future relations ships.

The second tactic that comes to mind for me if follow up. After you’ve given that rock star sales pitch don’t forget to call back and ask for the business if you didn’t close right away. Most savvy customers don’t make impulse buys. If you aren’t following up then the key reason why your widget is better than any other may never surface. Follow up and make sure you ask the client if they have any additional informational needs.

Thirdly, send out thank you notes even if it’s as simple as an email. Most people appreciate thoughtfulness and are moved by it. Don’t kid yourself, someone helped you make every sales you’ve ever sold. Making prospects into fans is one certain way of earning business. Always show some appreciation for opportunities you didn’t have.

These are only a few sales tactics but don’t forget to look at the tools that are always available. Your laptop or smart phone can help you be more efficient but ultimately it can only multiply the force you’re willing to exert towards your sales goals.

Three Things A Sales Professional Must Avoid

We all know there some things you just don’t do as a sales person. Customers aren’t in the habit of being forgiving especially before the sales person has been able to establish a strong relationship. Even after you’ve been become a household name in a client’s business there some faux pas that are hard to recover from. Here are three major actions to avoid:

Cell Phone Ringers
Back in the day when I owned a good size company and had sales people rolling through my office daily, cell phone ringers made me crazy. As soon as I heard a cell phone ring my attention was gone. Now it may seem petty but this was my office and my time. To me it doesn’t take much effort to turn your ringer to vibrate. The salesperson already had a hill to climb because I didn’t have time for whatever they were selling in the first place, and I had little interest in buying unless I was going to be “wowed”. Keeping the attention of your audience is critical and cell phone ringers can rob you of that quickly

Looking Like A Ragamuffin
Maybe it’s unfair to rate the value of the product on appearance of it’s representative but we all do it. I can’t understand why businesses allow their sales representatives to visit prospects or customers looking like a rag bag. Don’t visit a customer dressed like you can’t afford your own product. Muddy shoes and wrinkles will shut down your target quicker than anything. Your credibility has a lot to do with first impressions regardless of how great you’re product is or how brilliant you might be. A rough appearance can make many clients uncomfortable. Make sure you don’t look homeless or hungry, it’s never a good sign if a customer feels like they need to feed you or lock the door when you arrive.

Talking About Religion or Politics
If you want to shoot yourself in the foot as soon as you get out of the gate, bring up political opinions or talk about your church. Now chit chat is critical in building a relationship with a client but keep it general and away from hot button issues initially. If a customer brings up their political stance or religious following, be polite and change the subject quickly. Never, never, never bring either of these topics up yourself. We all know you have an opinion but you are there to sell a product not your religious or political agenda. Keep Pandora’s box closed and steer clear of these topics.

3 Ways To Make Your Sales Team More Effective

As business owners and sales managers we are constantly looking for new ways to motivate our teams toward greater levels of success. Many times our answers are simple and don’t require much more than changing the way we think about problems and our assets in the field.

Support For The Troops. Feeling like you’re alone in the trenches in never a positive scenario for salespeople. Sure the job may require travel and long hours of working alone but that doesn’t mean that some level of support from home base isn’t appreciated.

Supervisors many times lose the perspective of sales professionals operating in the field. While management has a methodology of its own, a good leader puts themselves themselves in the shoes of their charges and doesn’t forget how it feels to walk in them. Just as people buy from people, people will follow and produce for people they respect. A manager who seems out of touch with the realities of making a certain quota will have sales professionals who excel when they are ahead but fall on their faces when they are in a slump.

It’s never a bad idea for managers to make regular contact with their sales team and offer assistance. Even if no support is needed the psychological effect of the offer being made can have a profound effect on team members. In the end, if a sales professional feels like they have the support of their managers then many times they will come to them for solutions with problem before they are uncorrectable. Business is about problems, fixing them before you damage the customer relationship is what successful business is about.

Tools That Work. There are tons of gadgets, apps, and tools out there that all proclaim they will make sales easier or volumes higher. The first rule however is to make sure you have the basic equipment, reporting procedures, as well as the right people who know how to use them.

Once those items are squared away only then can you look at perform and efficiency enhancing tools. Imagine having a team of ten sales professionals who all have company provided vehicles that never start. Before you worry about giving them a lap top that will allow them to work from the field, a good maintenance and repair program needs to be implemented to get in the field. If your reporting process is done completely through Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets, you need to make sure that everyone has the necessary programs and know-how to utilize the report. You might this think this is all common sense but I can assure you it’s not.

Many organizations run despite having the Kool-Aid® and no sugar but how much better could they operate with everything in place? Nothing frustrates a sales professional more than having the “sales” portion of their job inhibited by their tools or their team. A race horse wants to run and a sales person wants to sell, anything that interrupts that needs to be fixed immediately.

Coaching While It’s Relevant. We’ve all heard the old saying, “a stitch in time save nine” and it’s incredibly relevant in sales. The time to correct a problem is before it ever occurs, unfortunately many managers miss the signs of breakage in the process. In sales customers solve their problems by finding someone else to take care of their needs. You have few chances the earn the trust and admiration of a prospect so when you have it you must capitalize on it.

When your sales person walks away without the deal, sure you can review why they didn’t win but could you have better prepared in the first place? As managers and sales people, we know when someone is ready for the field and when they aren’t. I know many prescribe to the sink or swim mentality but this is just an excuse to avoid coaching. You don’t send a soldier to war not knowing where the safety switch is located. Coaching should be a regular item on any sales team’s agenda. With regular coaching/training sales professionals get not only the coaching they may need but an opportunity to look at their tactics from another angle. Perspective is incredibly important to sales professionals and being able to see it from another’s point of view.

Evaluate your sales people during coaching sessions and under stand their professional needs. Once a an area is identified that needs improvement, work towards a proactive training program with input from the sales person. Solutions are easily proposed but sometimes difficult to implement and maintain. You must get buy-in from your sales professionals and coaching sessions are a great opportunity to get just that.

Nothing about selling or managing sales people is automatic. It just makes sense to evaluate your team, their tools and methods to ensure consistent success. That’s why they call ii “managing” and not just “manage”.







这个世界上最残忍的一句话 ---> [我们再也回不去]























































我跳槽啦 = 选择另一条道路,这很需要取谨慎的态度。














生活压抑 = 别抱太大的希望









我们没有在一起 - 奶茶



















男人到了二十几岁后,就要学会如何去面对生活。现在的人都开始变得浮躁,不懂什么才是“真心”地去生活。 “真”,就是对自己实事求是,不要骗自己,也不要骗别人。“真”,就是诚实做人,诚实做事。“善”,自然是善良的意思了。善待别人,就是在善待自己的生活。“善”其实就在我们每一个人的身边,不要为难别人,不要挖苦别人,不要侮辱别人,就是善良的行为。有时你的一点点善意就能结出一个善果,使你的生活因此而变得幸福










人们常说“细节决定成败”,而这细节往往就反应在你是不是一个有礼貌的人。有礼貌的人,知道关心别人。别人也会因为你的礼貌与关心,而给你走向成功的机会。 男人的名片是微笑与礼貌,它是男人成就事业的通行证。




男人到了二十几岁后,一定要为了自己的事业去努力拼搏。男人最重要的就是事业,没有事业的男人不能算作真正的男人。男人的事业不定要轰轰烈烈,但一定要有所成就,能使自己感到骄傲和自豪。一个事业心强的男人,也是一个求胜心与责任心同样强的男人。求胜心强的男人,从不甘平庸。责任心强的男人,从不惧困难。 男人因自己成功的事业而变得高大,从而获得别人的尊重和信任。


二十几岁的男人们,千万不要相信那些偏激的人所说的话。就像人们常说的“婚姻是爱情的坟墓”,这种说法太偏激了。婚姻与爱情的区别只是多了一些“柴米油盐”,可以说婚姻才是一种完整的爱情,之前的爱情只是处在一种恋爱的阶段。也只有通过婚姻才能使男人和女人彻底的认识什么是爱情。爱情就是相互理解,相互 鼓励,相互支持。在生活上彼此帮助,在事业上彼此帮助,让爱情跟事业可以双丰收。



